Are the English speaking skills of your
Vietnamese staff giving you headaches?
Sure, they can write in English but can they speak?
  • Sales force too passive in face-to-face selling to foreigners?

  • Customer service suffering from frequent miscommunication?

  • Team meetings too long because of countless misunderstandings?

  • Spending too much on training staff in English and not getting the expected results?

sonus logo

offers customized
English pronunciation
and speaking courses
to train your Vietnamese
management and staff
to communicate better
in English.


We are different

How we can help you

  • Home
    Give the right first impression
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    Boost staff confidence
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    Bridge the culture gap
  • Home
    Build trust
  • Home
    Proactively seek sales opportunities
  • Home
    Improve customer service

How our courses differ from traditional English training



on pronunciation, no unnecessary
training in grammar or vocabulary



curriculum to fit any industry



at Vietnamese speakers of English with specific curriculum to correct their speaking errors


Mixed ability groups

without differentiation in levels of English



one-off courses without lengthy commitments


Immediate results

activating students’ existing knowledge

How everybody benefits

  • how everybody benefits -business 1200x800

    your BUSINESS will enjoy

    INCREASED sales

    ENHANCED team productivity through

    – quick and effective team meetings in English
    – Vietnamese staff being able to handle phone and Skype calls

    IMPROVED customer experience in

    – complaint handling
    – guest entertainment
    – customer service on-board and call-centers

    SAVINGS by eliminating unnecessary training and long-term contracts

    We deliver results

  • how everybody benefits -employees 1200x800

    your EMPLOYEES will


    ACQUIRE essential core listening and speaking skills through discovering the differences between the sounds of English (verbal language) and Vietnamese (tonal language)

    ACTIVATE their existing grammar and vocabulary knowledge and intelligibly express ideas in speaking

    GAIN confidence to speak to foreigners

    BE ABLE to learn on the job (from English-speaking customers, suppliers, expat managers, etc.) with newly acquired skills

    BECOME active sellers through better communication

    We deliver results

  • how everybody benefits - HR 1200x800

    your HR DEPARTMENT will


    RETAIN skilled staff better by offering meaningful and practical training to employees which they will appreciate more

    ACHIEVE greater results in professional training held in English

    VERIFY results of the courses by comparing pre-course and post-course video assessments

    MONITOR employee performance through continuous progress analysis

    ORGANIZE classes very quickly since students are not separated into groups based on their level of English

    We deliver results

What our students say about the Sonus courses

Piaggio Vietnam were very satisfied with the Sonus training of their HCMC staff. Watch this short video to find out what they believe have been their biggest personal gains.

How we deliver the classes


100% native speaker teachers

speaking with an American accent


Course duration

Foundation course: 27 hours
Advanced course: 18 hours


Lesson scheduling

2-3 hours per session
1-2 session(s)/week


teaching assistant

to guarantee students’ understanding


Class size

maximum 20 students


Minimum English required

CEF A2/low pre-intermediate



on-site, at the customer’s location

How our students learn during the courses

  • Learning goals:
    • Foundation course: accuracy
    • Advanced course: fluency
  • Interactive input sessions to contrast correct English pronunciation with incorrect Vietnamese mispronunciations
  • Engaging games and activities to practice accurate pronunciation in class
  • Resources for home practice (download samples only, download of complete materials requires registration):
    • Student Folder with practice texts, useful diagrams and practical tips
    • Downloadable audio files accompanying each section of the Student Folder
  • Homework assignments: students’ own recordings for analysis by teacher

We are here to help you, contact us

SONUS VIETNAM English Service Company Limited (reg. no. 0313411054)

Saigon Trade Center, #1901
37 Ton Duc Thang, district 1
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: +84 (0) 903 901 608

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